Just a quick hello to slip in the link to our wedding website. I made it a while ago but never added much to it. Once the invites went out and the website was on the invitations I knew I needed to finish this baby off. So here it is, a very abbreviated snap...
Remember how I was all excited to redecorate my hall bathroom? Yea....I was maybe just a tad niave as to how easy that was going to be. I present to you the problem. You see the people that lived there before us tried to use this special plaster on the wall to make...
Getting ready to leave for my long run... I am trying to get excited about it but 10 miles seems daunting! Nevertheless my race is only 5 weeks away, so the training needs to be happening in full force with determination! No time for being lazy or anxious! Wanting to keep to what I said in an...
Mark is going out of town this weekend so I'm going to stay at the house and hopefully get some decorating done. For some reason, I'm obsessed with finishing our hall bathroom. I have yet to find a shower curtain for this bathroom that I really love and can base the bathroom "theme"...
I've already admitted that I am unashamedly addicted to pinterest, but unfortunately most of the things I pin don't ever make it off of the computer screen and into real life. Today however, I can pat myself on the back because not only did I actually MAKE something I saw on pinterest, I did it on...
Today I took a dip in the Freezing waters of the Atlantic Ocean! Every year my work makes up a Polar Plunge team to raise money for the Special Olympics of VA and then one chilly day in February we join with thousands of other people to get together and run like lunatics...