I wrote a short post here that talked about cheap and easy wall decor using scrapbook paper and cheap frames. The idea of course was inspired by Pinterest.... You can find it here at this post. I did mine a little differently then shown there, but the same general idea. I thought I'd put up a picture...

I love the sight of rotten bananas in the fall. It can mean only one thing - BANANA BREAD! I know I said I probably wouldn't be posting much cooking stuff after my last post, but this just happens to be a coincidence that I woke up and found rotten bananas on my...

Time to switch gears for a couple of seconds... I'm going to go from home decorating to recipe sharing. And this probably won't happen often because I am by no means an expert cook. (not that I'm an expert home decorator either but....I digress...) Mark and I got this lovely crock pot from...

5 dollar frames + .99 a piece for scrap book paper = cheap wall decor for my dining room! 5 dollar frames + .99 a piece for scrap book paper = cheap wall decor for my dining room! ...

When we first bought our house I immediately knew I wanted to paint our kitchen cabinets white. I am pretty HUGELY fond of white cabinets in kitchens. And definitely NOT a fan of dark wood cabinets. This is what we had when we first moved in... Dark. Out dated. Dirty. Gloomy. But the question...

I pinned this idea on Pinterest a few weeks ago because for as long as I've lived, in my parents house and now in my own house, we've had plastic bags stuffed full of more plastics bags, tied up and then stuffed in to more plastic bags! And then eventually we collect so many...
My new work schedule started today which means I now have every Tuesday until 3pm to do whatever I want/need to! So today I decided to work on our flower beds a little more... Because it was free :) We already cleaned out the bed from all the weeds and our one lariape...