
Home Projects (Music Room and Kitchen)

10:09 AM
Just a little update on what we were working on the past two weekends. Project Music Room: Overhaul. This is what it looked like when we first bought the house... curtains even came with it... This was an experiment that did not go in our favor. We wanted to try a bright, fun...

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Correspondence and the Explicit Gospel

6:25 PM
These were the items definitely not on my original agenda tonight. After a relaxing afternoon at my parents, where I enjoyed some hot tub time with my mom and sisters while watching our puppies play, I found myself home and showered by 5pm with no other chores to do except for making dinner!...

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Well Balanced Wednesdays

12:49 PM
Physical Fitness: p90x plyometrics! I did much better this week with that video than I did last week. Spiritual Fitness: Deborah (Judges 4) The period of the Judges in Israel's history, 350 years, was incredibly dismal. Israel would conquer an enemy, then wander from the Lord, get themselves in trouble, beg for the...

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Getting back in shape: update

10:59 AM
Its been a little over a week since I decided to be a little more disciplined with getting my body back in shape after the holidays. I did a soda fast for a week and completed the first week of P90X. Results? 0 pounds lost. Bummer. But 0 pounds gained. : ) Okay,...

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Sunday Breakfast

3:03 PM
The bad thing about having a puppy? She wakes you up between 6:30 and 7 on the weekends. The good thing about having a puppy? She wakes you up between 6:30 and 7 on the weekends! I'm so much more productive on Saturday and Sundays now that I have no choice but to...

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DIY: Journal Cover

8:03 PM
As I was loading all the pictures from over the holidays to my computer from my phone I realized I had taken the following pictures with the intent of posting them and totally forgot about it! These were one of my favorite DIY projects I did for Christmas presents this year. They turned...

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Well Balanced Wednesday

6:38 PM
Finally back to our Well Balanced Wednesdays! Erin and I kicked it off with some heavy duty exercise - compared to our usual Pilates inspired routines. We did a p90x cardio video AND took our pups on a walk around the block! Maybe the whole New Years resolution/time to get fit thing made...

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January Goal: Getting back in shape!

11:42 AM
Its crazy to think that I ran a marathon 2 months ago! My body certainly doesn't feel like it... I feel as if I could barely run 3 miles right now. How did this happen?!?! Okay...so  I do know how it happened... It might have had something to do with the fact that...

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Happy 2013

6:05 PM
Happy New Year! Like I mentioned in my previous post, the foundation for this year is that I will bless the Lords name no matter what my circumstances. Building an alter in a sense, saying that right now my heart will choose to say Lord blessed be your name. In everything. Keeping that...

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