Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you are able to enjoy time with your family and friends today to celebrate all that we have been blessed with. Today at the Poindexter house we have much to be grateful for - I've been sharing many of these things during the 30 Days of Thanks posts this...
Day 26 I am thankful for the chance to host my family at Thanksgiving this year. Me and My sister will be taking the lead for the cooking this year, which I know is a welcome break for my mom and she will be able to enjoy her holiday without the worries of...
Day 25I am thankful for the convenience heat in my car! It was a chilling 22 degrees this morning as I headed to work at around 6:30 this morning. I love being able to run out to the car and let it heat up before I actually get in it to leave. It's the...
Day 24 I must be completely honest as I write about my thankfulness for the church. In recent years I have become increasingly cynical of the local church. I frequently question the way in which we "go about" our Sunday morning services, our ministries, our song services, etc. In so many ways I...

I am falling behind again! I decided the only way to catch up on my 30 Days of Thanks challenge 9 is to combine a few days into one post. Day 21 I am thankful for the Word of the Lord. It never ceases to comfort, encourage and/or convict me. I do not...

Day 20 I am so, so, so thankful for the ability to read and have access to books. I have loved to read ever since I can remember! I can still remember that my very first "favorite" book was Amelia Bedelia... Did any of you ever read this book? I can still picture...
Day 19 I am thankful that not only do I have a secure job in health care, but I absolutely love what I do. I get to work with kids anywhere from 8 to 18 years old and help rehabilitate them from their injuries. I work in a Sports Medicine clinic, which is...
Day 18 Man I am falling behind in my 30 days of thankfulness posts! I didn't realize how hard it would be to sit down and blog every single day... coming up with something to be thankful for has been easy, but blogging about it? Not so much! Anyways... For Day 18 -...

Day 17 Christmas came early for Mark and I this year! We have been planning this present to each other for the past 6 months and it was very exciting to finally purchase and have them put into our home. Earlier this year we decided we wanted to buy new appliances for our...

Day 16 I had the opportunity to hang out with a dear friend of mine, miss Heather. We grew up going to the same church but didn't really become friends until my sophmore and her senior year of high school. We haven't been able to spend too much time together over the last...

Day 15 I don't think there is one season that I don't enjoy. There are some people that say they would enjoy summer year 'round, or fall all the time, but not me. I like the change, in fact I crave the change. I am all about the current season until the end...
Day 14 My Parents. Whenever I talk about my parents there is a gigantic chance of a lump forming in my throat or tears sneaking out of the corner of my eye. They have, and continue to sacrifice so much for my and my siblings. When I think about them, I think about...
Day 13 This one is getting in late today! I'm going to keep it short and simple since it is nearing midnight. I am thankful for the fireplace in my house! A real, wood burning fireplace is one of my favorite features in a house. As the Hampton Roads area is finally dipping...

Day 12 Just as I am thankful for my sisters, I am equally as blessed to have my 2 brothers in my life. I was always the "tom boy" of the 4 girls in the family so I spent a lot of time playing around with my brothers growing up. Especially my brother...
Day 11 With today being Veterans Day, it is of course natural that my thoughts of gratitude would be directed towards those that have served and are still serving our country. There are many people in my family that have been or are still a member of the U.S Military, including my mom's...
Day 10 I am barely getting this in today, but I am so incredibly thankful for the gift of laughter. Tonight Mark and I enjoyed a nice night out with his sister and brother in law and went and saw a comedy act. I had never been to a live comedy show before...
Day 9 I am thankful for Saturdays, especially the kind of Saturdays where there's nothing really on your "to-do" list. You don't really have to go anywhere or do anything unless you want to. Yep. Those are the best kind. It had been a while since we've had a Saturday like that, but...

Day 8 There are few words that could describe how glad I am that God made my 3 beautiful sisters a part of my family. We were always very close growing up, thanks in part to my moms insistence that friends come and go but family is forever therefore we should spend more...
My Puppy turns 1 today! (Or so we think. The man we bought her from couldn't exactly remember what day his puppies were born on, but it was around this day he said...Sketchy? yea, its a good thing we got Piper out of there! Anyways...) I was so excited to come home on...
Day 6: Today is my half day for work which means I only work from 3pm-7pm. The other days are looooong, but this half day sure makes it worth it. I can sleep in a bit, which helps me take on the rest of the week with me enthusiasm. I get to have...
Day 5: I am thankful for living in a country where I have the chance to vote for the kind of government I want to have. Not only can I go to the polling place after getting off work - a poll that is conveniently located 5 minutes from my home - but...

Day 4: My Hubs. I knew when when I was 16 that he was the man I was going to marry. His friendship over the years, from before we entered into a relationship until now, has been instrumental in shaping me as a person. I am grateful that the Lord allowed us many years...

Day 3: I am thankful for my home. Mark and I went to Home-a-Rama today with my parents and my sister and her husband. I'm not sure if you've ever been to a Home-a-Rama, but it is basically a chance for architects and home builders to showcase their designs by building extravagant homes...
Today we were gifted with free tailgating passes and football tickets to today's ODU game. Mark's sister, Ann, was given these by a friend and she was kind enough to invite Mark and I to come along. We enjoy going to ODU football games but we had never had the chance to tailgate...