We've made it to 29 weeks and we're doing great! Look at how big my belly is getting! I got the results of my glucose test and my anemia screening last week - passed with flying colors! I also started talking to the midwife about the birth plan. I am hoping to have...
My man turned the ripe old age of 26 yesterday. He's definitely out of the "early twenties" phase of his life and getting closer and closer to 30... and I'm only 6 months behind! He had a very grown up birthday day. We both worked all day - I didn't get off work...
I'm probably going against the norm by talking about saying good bye to 5:30 am wake up calls... I mean, aren't most of the moms/housewives/women in general in the blogosphere often talking about their goals of waking up earlier in order to be more productive? And here I am shouting adios from the...
This is my last week of the 2nd Trimester! Holy Cow the last 3 months have flown by! Seriously, I'll be honest, January to March seemed to drag on as I waited for the glorious day that I would be able to eat without emptying my stomach into the nearest receptacle shortly after....
I've been wanting to take some pictures next to my moms chalkboard for a while now to document my first pregnancy, unfortunately I was a little late actually starting it - 25 weeks in and I'm just now doing it! Ugh... it would've been fun to see me go from no belly to...

Mark and I have been contemplating baby strollers for weeks! There are so many to choose from and range from anywhere from $100 to upwards of $700! Obviously we had a limit, and it was well below $700, but we wanted something nice that will last us for more than just our little...

Mark and I celebrated our 2nd Anniversary this past May 12th. With everything thats going on in our lives right now - house projects and preparing for baby we didn't quite get to turn our anniversary into a little babymoon/getaway like we were thinking about back in March. But we didn't need to,...