Lilly turned 3 weeks this past Friday! I can't believe I haven't taken the time to sit and blog about her birth story but its just been so much more fun cuddling with her on my lap rather than a computer! But I'm finally ready! So here are all the details that no...
Lillian Jean Poindexter decided to finally make her debut last Thursday morning! So funny to me that she came the morning after writing my last update. God heard my prayers of exhaustion! I woke up around 4:30am that morning knowing it was definitely time to head to the hospital and she came crying...
I had an OB appointment yesterday for my official 40 week appointment and also to check on baby to make sure she's doing okay since we're past the due date now. I had an ultrasound first where they checked fluid levels and her heart beat. Everything looked good which was great! She was...