
Moana Birthday Party

8:35 PM
As I mentioned in my last post about all that Reaghan loves at 3 years of age, she L O V E S Moana. Have you seen it? Reaghan was hooked after the first time she watched it and I actually enjoy it too. Which if you know me isn't that surprising because...

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See Reaghan Grow! {3 years}

8:02 PM
How is this girl 3 years old?! Our Reaghan Eileen had her birthday last weekend! We had a fun, family "Moana" party {that I'll share in a different post} on her birthday and she loved it. We had been marking off the days on her calendar that led up to her birthday and...

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See Lilly Grow! {7 Months}

9:20 PM
The 3rd of the month has come and gone and with it another month of Lilly growing and learning and loving life. We spent her 7 month birthday shopping together at the new Premium Outlets together as a family. She does a lot of things that we will definitely hold over her head...

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Dance Class

3:06 PM
We are entering uncharted territory this fall with Reaghan... We've signed her up for dance class! We are entering into the world of organized activities with our kids. The world where you have to get them to a certain place every week, buy them certain items to participate in said activity and cheer...

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