Pregnancy: 37 weeks = Full Term!

By Meg - 10:38 AM

So this happened today:

It's official people - Reaghan is full term today and we are getting ever so close to her arrival!
I am now at the "Go to the Dr's every week" stage. So I went last week and they said I was 1 1/2 cm dilated and 60% effaced, and when I went today they said I was 3cm dilated! We are progressing right along! I've definitely been "crampy" the last couple of weeks, and maybe felt a few of those things they call "Braxton Hicks" contractions, but honestly its mostly just back ache and occasional cramps. 
Our hospital bags are almost completely packed - one or two more things to throw in there, we have the carseat installed in the car, we took our hospital tour this past Monday, so we are pretty much ready for little miss to come whenever she feels like it. I am working on getting everything at home in order - cleaning, laundry, groceries, etc. so there is nothing to stress about.

I'm feeling a bit reminiscent so I would just like to take a moment and look back at my very first "Pregnancy Picture". This is me, back in January, about 6 weeks pregnant. At that time I could only imagine what my belly would look like when I was 9 months pregnant!

And now back to present day:

hehe - a big change! 

 I love every pound I've put on carrying my precious baby.

Here's to the next 3 weeks and waiting anxiously for her arrival!

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