Whole30: Day 1

By Meg - 8:32 PM

I started a Whole30 today! Yikes! It was my New Years Resolution. I'm a little nervous about it. Remember when we did the 14 Day Clean Eating Challenge? I decided after that was over that I would do a full 30 days after New Years. I was totally on board and ready to go in the few months leading up to New Years, but now that it's here I'm not as excited about it. 

Nevertheless I had committed to myself to do it, I want to lose some weight and I'm training for a 1/2 marathon in March so I know cleaning up my diet will help me get stronger and faster. 

So I went grocery shopping today and spent about $200 in organic meats, produce, coconut oil, ghee, etc. Eating clean is expensive. But worth it...I'm guessing. 

I had eggs for breakfast, a salad with chicken and tomatoes and no dressing for lunch, Larabars and apples for snacks, an a tuna salad for dinner. 

It was good, but you guys, honestly I'm still hungry. I want something filling like pasta or bread. And I started to get a headache afterwards which is either a caffeine headache from all the soda I had over the holidays or a sugar headache from again, the soda and cookies etc, etc, from the holidays. Either way, I'm feeling not that stellar as I close out my first day. 

I'm not sure how much I'll blog about this process. Probably quite a bit if I have the time, but not daily. 

My starting weight today is 152.5. 

We'll see how this goes! 

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