30 Days of Thanks - In - Laws

By Meg - 5:46 PM

Day 18

Man I am falling behind in my 30 days of thankfulness posts! I didn't realize how hard it would be to sit down and blog every single day... coming up with something to be thankful for has been easy, but blogging about it? Not so much! Anyways...

For Day 18 - yesterday - I would like to take time to thank God for my awesome in-laws.

(From our trip to England this past summer!)

I am thankful for Mark's parents dedicating their lives to raise him into the man he is today. They have always made me feel right at home with their family and they make sure Christ is always at the center of their home. Mark's sister Ann is just the sweetest. She's always offered friendship and she used to do a lot so that I could go along on family trips with them before Mark and I were married. She would give up sharing a room with her husband Jason in hotels or beach houses and share a room with me so that I could go with their family. It may not sound  like much, but I always appreciated it.

I've heard quite a few women complain about their in-laws, mother in laws in particular, so I just wanted to say how much I love mine and how grateful I am to be a part of their family.

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